park bo ra

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 park bo ra

Park Bo Ra
Park Bo Ra
STAFF ✺ ‹ 365 SO FRESH ☽ ›
UNE P'TITE PHOTO ? : park bo ra 176f58b4e83fc05ee6b3d1641aa8437c
AVATAR : Bae Su Ji (Suzy - Actress/Miss A)
MESSAGES : 10114
NOUS A REJOINT LE : 05/08/2016
AGE : 26
park bo ra Empty
(#) Sujet: park bo ra   park bo ra EmptyMar 7 Sep - 17:19
RP Septembre 2021

SHE'S IN THE RAIN. you wanna hurt yourself, i’ll stay with you. you wanna make yourself go through the pain. it’s better to be held than holding on. we're in the rain
Park Bo Ra
Park Bo Ra
STAFF ✺ ‹ 365 SO FRESH ☽ ›
UNE P'TITE PHOTO ? : park bo ra 176f58b4e83fc05ee6b3d1641aa8437c
AVATAR : Bae Su Ji (Suzy - Actress/Miss A)
MESSAGES : 10114
NOUS A REJOINT LE : 05/08/2016
AGE : 26
park bo ra Empty
(#) Sujet: Re: park bo ra   park bo ra EmptyMar 7 Sep - 17:19

SHE'S IN THE RAIN. you wanna hurt yourself, i’ll stay with you. you wanna make yourself go through the pain. it’s better to be held than holding on. we're in the rain
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