⊱ hundred miles c'est un forum réel asiatiquecity/universitaire basé à Séoul — une réponse par mois minimum — Avatars occidentaux bienvenus ! — Taille des avatars 200*320px — Une semaine pour finir sa présentation — Pas de prise de tête, rien que du love. That's all folks ٩(^ᴗ^)۶
Tu sais quoi ? Autant tu trouves que je suis beauf. Autant moi, je trouve que tu es beaucoup trop M’sieur je sais tout. Pile poil le genre de type qui ne est pas mon genre.
Sin Eunji ☽ Do you really wonder 'bout me, or just having fun ? Gettin' tipsy, but you love me, sure. You tryna shake me, doesn't matter. You're the one who got my eyes all the time. Let's drink that Henry all night long.I don't mind if I'm drunk, 'cause you got me for free. Can't stop it. Just let me burn deeply ღ
Oh ? Ca ne me regarde pas. Mais si toi, tu es plus du genre à te promener dans une prairie main dans la main avec un serre tête à fleur sur la tête, en chantant la mélodie du bonheur entre deux livres de cours, c’est également ton problème.
Sin Eunji ☽ Do you really wonder 'bout me, or just having fun ? Gettin' tipsy, but you love me, sure. You tryna shake me, doesn't matter. You're the one who got my eyes all the time. Let's drink that Henry all night long.I don't mind if I'm drunk, 'cause you got me for free. Can't stop it. Just let me burn deeply ღ
En vrai, je ne te trouvais pas inintéressant, quand ma bff me parlait de toi. Mais au final, tu es un peu comme moi, un peu décevant quand tu étales ta science
Sin Eunji ☽ Do you really wonder 'bout me, or just having fun ? Gettin' tipsy, but you love me, sure. You tryna shake me, doesn't matter. You're the one who got my eyes all the time. Let's drink that Henry all night long.I don't mind if I'm drunk, 'cause you got me for free. Can't stop it. Just let me burn deeply ღ
Sin Eunji ☽ Do you really wonder 'bout me, or just having fun ? Gettin' tipsy, but you love me, sure. You tryna shake me, doesn't matter. You're the one who got my eyes all the time. Let's drink that Henry all night long.I don't mind if I'm drunk, 'cause you got me for free. Can't stop it. Just let me burn deeply ღ
Si vous voulez un conseil de beauf, votre altesse. Apprends à connaître les gens avant de les juger en prétendant les connaître
Sin Eunji ☽ Do you really wonder 'bout me, or just having fun ? Gettin' tipsy, but you love me, sure. You tryna shake me, doesn't matter. You're the one who got my eyes all the time. Let's drink that Henry all night long.I don't mind if I'm drunk, 'cause you got me for free. Can't stop it. Just let me burn deeply ღ
Franchement ? Oue. C’est enfin une chose sur laquelle je suis d’accord avec toi.
Sin Eunji ☽ Do you really wonder 'bout me, or just having fun ? Gettin' tipsy, but you love me, sure. You tryna shake me, doesn't matter. You're the one who got my eyes all the time. Let's drink that Henry all night long.I don't mind if I'm drunk, 'cause you got me for free. Can't stop it. Just let me burn deeply ღ
Moi qui pensais t’offrir un verre si tu n’étais pas trop occupé à faire des papouilles à l’élu suprême de ton cœur sur un fond de chanson love … J’suis déçu.
Sin Eunji ☽ Do you really wonder 'bout me, or just having fun ? Gettin' tipsy, but you love me, sure. You tryna shake me, doesn't matter. You're the one who got my eyes all the time. Let's drink that Henry all night long.I don't mind if I'm drunk, 'cause you got me for free. Can't stop it. Just let me burn deeply ღ
Frustré ? Pourquoi ? Mizue t’est enfin passée devant en cours ? Ça explique pourquoi je ne l’entends plus râler en ce moment.
Sin Eunji ☽ Do you really wonder 'bout me, or just having fun ? Gettin' tipsy, but you love me, sure. You tryna shake me, doesn't matter. You're the one who got my eyes all the time. Let's drink that Henry all night long.I don't mind if I'm drunk, 'cause you got me for free. Can't stop it. Just let me burn deeply ღ
Mais. Je ne sais pas. Laisse-moi y réfléchir deux secondes.
Sin Eunji ☽ Do you really wonder 'bout me, or just having fun ? Gettin' tipsy, but you love me, sure. You tryna shake me, doesn't matter. You're the one who got my eyes all the time. Let's drink that Henry all night long.I don't mind if I'm drunk, 'cause you got me for free. Can't stop it. Just let me burn deeply ღ