⊱ hundred miles c'est un forum réel asiatiquecity/universitaire basé à Séoul — une réponse par mois minimum — Avatars occidentaux bienvenus ! — Taille des avatars 200*320px — Une semaine pour finir sa présentation — Pas de prise de tête, rien que du love. That's all folks ٩(^ᴗ^)۶
Pourquoi c'est confus ? Ça ne devrait pas ? Tu viens de dire que Nae était possiblement l'amour de ta vie ? Si c'est réellement le cas, tu t'en moques de savoir si tu l'es à 100% ou non ?
Ryu Minwoo ☽ Don't go tonight. Stay here one more time. Remind me what it's like, and let's fall in love one more time. It tears me up when you turn me down. Please, just stick around. I'm so weak and I can't breathe without you. Don't tell me that your love is gone because I need you now by my side ... ღ
Tu veux un scoop ? J'ai été comme toi, idole et je suis acteur maintenant. Et tu sais quoi ? Je me moque complètement de l'avis des autres ?
Ryu Minwoo ☽ Don't go tonight. Stay here one more time. Remind me what it's like, and let's fall in love one more time. It tears me up when you turn me down. Please, just stick around. I'm so weak and I can't breathe without you. Don't tell me that your love is gone because I need you now by my side ... ღ
Et ? Ça t'apporterait quoi de le savoir, en vrai ? Je ne suis jamais sorti avec une fille. Et ? Je m'en moque de savoir si je suis totalement gay ou non ? Car, pour moi, il n'y a qu'une seule personne qui compte ?
Ryu Minwoo ☽ Don't go tonight. Stay here one more time. Remind me what it's like, and let's fall in love one more time. It tears me up when you turn me down. Please, just stick around. I'm so weak and I can't breathe without you. Don't tell me that your love is gone because I need you now by my side ... ღ
Tu sais, Nao. Quand les lumières sont éteintes, les micros coupés et qu'il ne te reste plus que le silence, ce n'est pas ta carrière qui comble le vide.
Ryu Minwoo ☽ Don't go tonight. Stay here one more time. Remind me what it's like, and let's fall in love one more time. It tears me up when you turn me down. Please, just stick around. I'm so weak and I can't breathe without you. Don't tell me that your love is gone because I need you now by my side ... ღ
J'imagine que pour lui, ton rêve est ce qui compte le plus ?
Ryu Minwoo ☽ Don't go tonight. Stay here one more time. Remind me what it's like, and let's fall in love one more time. It tears me up when you turn me down. Please, just stick around. I'm so weak and I can't breathe without you. Don't tell me that your love is gone because I need you now by my side ... ღ
Même si tu en doutes, il n'y a que quelqu'un d'amoureux pour faire passer ton bonheur, avant le sien. Vouloir cacher votre relation, au profit de ta carrière, c'est en quelque sorte, un sacrifice qu'il fait, pour que tu puisses faire ce que tu aimes ?
Ryu Minwoo ☽ Don't go tonight. Stay here one more time. Remind me what it's like, and let's fall in love one more time. It tears me up when you turn me down. Please, just stick around. I'm so weak and I can't breathe without you. Don't tell me that your love is gone because I need you now by my side ... ღ
Ryu Minwoo ☽ Don't go tonight. Stay here one more time. Remind me what it's like, and let's fall in love one more time. It tears me up when you turn me down. Please, just stick around. I'm so weak and I can't breathe without you. Don't tell me that your love is gone because I need you now by my side ... ღ
Ryu Minwoo ☽ Don't go tonight. Stay here one more time. Remind me what it's like, and let's fall in love one more time. It tears me up when you turn me down. Please, just stick around. I'm so weak and I can't breathe without you. Don't tell me that your love is gone because I need you now by my side ... ღ
Dans ce cas, dis-lui ? Quand il se sentira mieux ?
Ryu Minwoo ☽ Don't go tonight. Stay here one more time. Remind me what it's like, and let's fall in love one more time. It tears me up when you turn me down. Please, just stick around. I'm so weak and I can't breathe without you. Don't tell me that your love is gone because I need you now by my side ... ღ
Je pense que si ton styliste est avec toi, ce n'est pas pour rien ?
Ryu Minwoo ☽ Don't go tonight. Stay here one more time. Remind me what it's like, and let's fall in love one more time. It tears me up when you turn me down. Please, just stick around. I'm so weak and I can't breathe without you. Don't tell me that your love is gone because I need you now by my side ... ღ