⊱ hundred miles c'est un forum réel asiatiquecity/universitaire basé à Séoul — une réponse par mois minimum — Avatars occidentaux bienvenus ! — Taille des avatars 200*320px — Une semaine pour finir sa présentation — Pas de prise de tête, rien que du love. That's all folks ٩(^ᴗ^)۶
Lee Hyunki ☽ As if each day were my last, I dance. Like the pouring light, I just want to shine. While looking up at the starry night, I want to lean on you. Smile brightly when you look my way. Is there a place I can rest ? Please, find it somewhere in my heart ღ
Lee Hyunki
byeoljali ≈ when the night comes i break into stars
Tu sais quoi ? Je m'en soucierais quand je me sentirais malade
Lee Hyunki ☽ As if each day were my last, I dance. Like the pouring light, I just want to shine. While looking up at the starry night, I want to lean on you. Smile brightly when you look my way. Is there a place I can rest ? Please, find it somewhere in my heart ღ
Oh ... Ça me donnerait presque envie de tomber malade ?
Lee Hyunki ☽ As if each day were my last, I dance. Like the pouring light, I just want to shine. While looking up at the starry night, I want to lean on you. Smile brightly when you look my way. Is there a place I can rest ? Please, find it somewhere in my heart ღ
Lee Hyunki
byeoljali ≈ when the night comes i break into stars
Mais en vérité ? Ne t'en fais pas pour moi ! Je ne tombe jamais malade ? Même les microbes, ne veulent pas de moi so ... Pas de soucis à avoir !
Lee Hyunki ☽ As if each day were my last, I dance. Like the pouring light, I just want to shine. While looking up at the starry night, I want to lean on you. Smile brightly when you look my way. Is there a place I can rest ? Please, find it somewhere in my heart ღ
"Même" les microbes?? Qui ne veut pas de toi? La personne ou les personnes qui ne veulent pas de toi sont de purs idiots. Je ne vois absolument pas pour quelles raisons, on te repousserait, tu es adorable
inhale sky; exhale stars
you're always one decision away from a totally different life • unknown.
Lee Hyunki
byeoljali ≈ when the night comes i break into stars
Ce n'était qu'une façon de parler ... Range tes vilains yeux
Lee Hyunki ☽ As if each day were my last, I dance. Like the pouring light, I just want to shine. While looking up at the starry night, I want to lean on you. Smile brightly when you look my way. Is there a place I can rest ? Please, find it somewhere in my heart ღ
Dommage ... Et si je dis que je te trouve craquant sans ? Tu les abandonneras ?
Lee Hyunki ☽ As if each day were my last, I dance. Like the pouring light, I just want to shine. While looking up at the starry night, I want to lean on you. Smile brightly when you look my way. Is there a place I can rest ? Please, find it somewhere in my heart ღ
Dans ce cas ... Je te trouve plus craquant, quand tu n'as pas tes vilains yeux
Lee Hyunki ☽ As if each day were my last, I dance. Like the pouring light, I just want to shine. While looking up at the starry night, I want to lean on you. Smile brightly when you look my way. Is there a place I can rest ? Please, find it somewhere in my heart ღ
Après ... Je n'ai jamais dit que les bad boys au regard de braise, ne me faisaient pas craquer ?
Lee Hyunki ☽ As if each day were my last, I dance. Like the pouring light, I just want to shine. While looking up at the starry night, I want to lean on you. Smile brightly when you look my way. Is there a place I can rest ? Please, find it somewhere in my heart ღ
Lee Hyunki ☽ As if each day were my last, I dance. Like the pouring light, I just want to shine. While looking up at the starry night, I want to lean on you. Smile brightly when you look my way. Is there a place I can rest ? Please, find it somewhere in my heart ღ
Lee Hyunki
byeoljali ≈ when the night comes i break into stars
Lee Hyunki ☽ As if each day were my last, I dance. Like the pouring light, I just want to shine. While looking up at the starry night, I want to lean on you. Smile brightly when you look my way. Is there a place I can rest ? Please, find it somewhere in my heart ღ
Lee Hyunki
byeoljali ≈ when the night comes i break into stars
La première fois qu'on s'est rencontré, je t'ai plus vu comme mon chevalier sauveur
Lee Hyunki ☽ As if each day were my last, I dance. Like the pouring light, I just want to shine. While looking up at the starry night, I want to lean on you. Smile brightly when you look my way. Is there a place I can rest ? Please, find it somewhere in my heart ღ