⊱ hundred miles c'est un forum réel asiatiquecity/universitaire basé à Séoul — une réponse par mois minimum — Avatars occidentaux bienvenus ! — Taille des avatars 200*320px — Une semaine pour finir sa présentation — Pas de prise de tête, rien que du love. That's all folks ٩(^ᴗ^)۶
Lee Hyunki ☽ As if each day were my last, I dance. Like the pouring light, I just want to shine. While looking up at the starry night, I want to lean on you. Smile brightly when you look my way. Is there a place I can rest ? Please, find it somewhere in my heart ღ
Lee Hyunki
byeoljali ≈ when the night comes i break into stars
Lee Hyunki ☽ As if each day were my last, I dance. Like the pouring light, I just want to shine. While looking up at the starry night, I want to lean on you. Smile brightly when you look my way. Is there a place I can rest ? Please, find it somewhere in my heart ღ
Lee Hyunki
byeoljali ≈ when the night comes i break into stars
Lee Hyunki ☽ As if each day were my last, I dance. Like the pouring light, I just want to shine. While looking up at the starry night, I want to lean on you. Smile brightly when you look my way. Is there a place I can rest ? Please, find it somewhere in my heart ღ
Lee Hyunki
byeoljali ≈ when the night comes i break into stars
Lee Hyunki ☽ As if each day were my last, I dance. Like the pouring light, I just want to shine. While looking up at the starry night, I want to lean on you. Smile brightly when you look my way. Is there a place I can rest ? Please, find it somewhere in my heart ღ
Lee Hyunki
byeoljali ≈ when the night comes i break into stars
Lee Hyunki ☽ As if each day were my last, I dance. Like the pouring light, I just want to shine. While looking up at the starry night, I want to lean on you. Smile brightly when you look my way. Is there a place I can rest ? Please, find it somewhere in my heart ღ
Lee Hyunki
byeoljali ≈ when the night comes i break into stars
Je suis désolé >///////< Je vais juste …. Aller me cacher dans un coin, en espérant que tu finisses par oublier ça ><
Lee Hyunki ☽ As if each day were my last, I dance. Like the pouring light, I just want to shine. While looking up at the starry night, I want to lean on you. Smile brightly when you look my way. Is there a place I can rest ? Please, find it somewhere in my heart ღ
Je me sens tellement gêné ? Je suis en train de compléter des dossiers en t’écrivant et ???? Je ne me suis pas relu.
Lee Hyunki ☽ As if each day were my last, I dance. Like the pouring light, I just want to shine. While looking up at the starry night, I want to lean on you. Smile brightly when you look my way. Is there a place I can rest ? Please, find it somewhere in my heart ღ
Lee Hyunki
byeoljali ≈ when the night comes i break into stars
Et puis ? À la base, des amis ne sont pas censés faire ce genre de choses ><
Lee Hyunki ☽ As if each day were my last, I dance. Like the pouring light, I just want to shine. While looking up at the starry night, I want to lean on you. Smile brightly when you look my way. Is there a place I can rest ? Please, find it somewhere in my heart ღ
Lee Hyunki
byeoljali ≈ when the night comes i break into stars
Lee Hyunki ☽ As if each day were my last, I dance. Like the pouring light, I just want to shine. While looking up at the starry night, I want to lean on you. Smile brightly when you look my way. Is there a place I can rest ? Please, find it somewhere in my heart ღ
Je sais ? Mais ça complique souvent les choses, après ? Alors … Autant éviter pour ne pas avoir de mauvaises surprises
Lee Hyunki ☽ As if each day were my last, I dance. Like the pouring light, I just want to shine. While looking up at the starry night, I want to lean on you. Smile brightly when you look my way. Is there a place I can rest ? Please, find it somewhere in my heart ღ
Lee Hyunki
byeoljali ≈ when the night comes i break into stars
Non !!!! Pas du tout !!!!! Si tu veux tout savoir, ma version de la soirée Chill, c’est un film + Tout un tas de nourriture très mauvaise pour la santé, mais qui fait du bien au moral !! Après ? On peut aussi jouer à la console, si ça te tente plus ?
Lee Hyunki ☽ As if each day were my last, I dance. Like the pouring light, I just want to shine. While looking up at the starry night, I want to lean on you. Smile brightly when you look my way. Is there a place I can rest ? Please, find it somewhere in my heart ღ
Lee Hyunki
byeoljali ≈ when the night comes i break into stars
Et puis … Je ne sais pas si ça peut te rassurer, mais ? Je n’invite jamais personne chez moi … Hormis ma meilleure amie, et ma Bunny friend … Tire-en la conclusion que tu veux
Lee Hyunki ☽ As if each day were my last, I dance. Like the pouring light, I just want to shine. While looking up at the starry night, I want to lean on you. Smile brightly when you look my way. Is there a place I can rest ? Please, find it somewhere in my heart ღ
Ça me semble très bien, comme déroulement de la soirée! Et pourquoi pas jouer à la console ET regarder des films? Y'aura toute la soirée pour faire les deux
inhale sky; exhale stars
you're always one decision away from a totally different life • unknown.