⊱ hundred miles c'est un forum réel asiatiquecity/universitaire basé à Séoul — une réponse par mois minimum — Avatars occidentaux bienvenus ! — Taille des avatars 200*320px — Une semaine pour finir sa présentation — Pas de prise de tête, rien que du love. That's all folks ٩(^ᴗ^)۶
Mais ???? Je ne suis pas têtu !!!! Je me soucie du fait que tu fasses ta journée tranquillement, pour ne pas que tu finisses trop tard !!!
Lee Hyunki ☽ As if each day were my last, I dance. Like the pouring light, I just want to shine. While looking up at the starry night, I want to lean on you. Smile brightly when you look my way. Is there a place I can rest ? Please, find it somewhere in my heart ღ
Lee Hyunki
byeoljali ≈ when the night comes i break into stars
Et non. Parce que si tu viens, je vais être obligé de te traîner dans mon lit pour dormir à côté de toi et ? Tu ne sauras pas travailler.
Lee Hyunki ☽ As if each day were my last, I dance. Like the pouring light, I just want to shine. While looking up at the starry night, I want to lean on you. Smile brightly when you look my way. Is there a place I can rest ? Please, find it somewhere in my heart ღ
Je n'ai pas d'horaire fixe? Je choisis quand je travaille? De toute façon, je ne saurai pas travailler en sachant que tu es peut-être levé et que je pourrais être avec toi...
inhale sky; exhale stars
you're always one decision away from a totally different life • unknown.
Si ça ne te gêne pas d’être avec le moi endormi pendant que tu travailles …
Lee Hyunki ☽ As if each day were my last, I dance. Like the pouring light, I just want to shine. While looking up at the starry night, I want to lean on you. Smile brightly when you look my way. Is there a place I can rest ? Please, find it somewhere in my heart ღ
Lee Hyunki
byeoljali ≈ when the night comes i break into stars
Lee Hyunki ☽ As if each day were my last, I dance. Like the pouring light, I just want to shine. While looking up at the starry night, I want to lean on you. Smile brightly when you look my way. Is there a place I can rest ? Please, find it somewhere in my heart ღ
Lee Hyunki ☽ As if each day were my last, I dance. Like the pouring light, I just want to shine. While looking up at the starry night, I want to lean on you. Smile brightly when you look my way. Is there a place I can rest ? Please, find it somewhere in my heart ღ
Lee Hyunki
byeoljali ≈ when the night comes i break into stars
Lee Hyunki ☽ As if each day were my last, I dance. Like the pouring light, I just want to shine. While looking up at the starry night, I want to lean on you. Smile brightly when you look my way. Is there a place I can rest ? Please, find it somewhere in my heart ღ
Je t’avoue que j’ai un peu peur de ce que tu vas en penser, mais …
Lee Hyunki ☽ As if each day were my last, I dance. Like the pouring light, I just want to shine. While looking up at the starry night, I want to lean on you. Smile brightly when you look my way. Is there a place I can rest ? Please, find it somewhere in my heart ღ
Lee Hyunki
byeoljali ≈ when the night comes i break into stars
Est-ce que ça te dérange si … Je prends mon lapin doudou en peluche ? Je … Suis incapable de dormir sans …
Lee Hyunki ☽ As if each day were my last, I dance. Like the pouring light, I just want to shine. While looking up at the starry night, I want to lean on you. Smile brightly when you look my way. Is there a place I can rest ? Please, find it somewhere in my heart ღ
Lee Hyunki
byeoljali ≈ when the night comes i break into stars
C’est sûrement purement psychologique… J’ai déjà essayé plusieurs fois de faire sans, mais ? Je n’y arrive vraiment pas ><
Lee Hyunki ☽ As if each day were my last, I dance. Like the pouring light, I just want to shine. While looking up at the starry night, I want to lean on you. Smile brightly when you look my way. Is there a place I can rest ? Please, find it somewhere in my heart ღ
Lee Hyunki
byeoljali ≈ when the night comes i break into stars
Lee Hyunki ☽ As if each day were my last, I dance. Like the pouring light, I just want to shine. While looking up at the starry night, I want to lean on you. Smile brightly when you look my way. Is there a place I can rest ? Please, find it somewhere in my heart ღ